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Purify Your Aggregates Line with TN77 Conveyor Belt Metal Detectors

Purify Your Aggregates Line with TN77 Conveyor Belt Metal Detectors-Bunting-Newton

In the mining, aggregate, and mineral industries, there is no forgiveness and no room to shrink down from a challenge. In this punishing industry, handling large, heavy, difficult material is just part of the job. To serve our customers in these industries, Bunting hasn’t shrunk down—we’ve sized up our superior metal detection equipment to make it bigger, stronger, and more powerful. Bunting’s TN77 Conveyor Belt Metal Detectors allow our customers in the mining, aggregate, and mineral industries to effectively detect ferrous and manganese metal contamination from their product flow in order to purify their product and protect other process equipment downstream in their facilities.

Customers usually have three main concerns associated with installing a new piece of metal detector equipment into their facility. These concerns include the price of cost versus return associated with the purchase and installation of new equipment, the equipment’s ease of installation, and how much support they will receive from the company they are purchasing. Bunting’s TN77 metal detector addresses all of these concerns with ease. The TN77 pays for itself with the first piece of tramp metal it detects—the cost of expensive repairs associated with the damages tramp metal can cause far exceeds the cost of investing in TN77 metal detectors. Installing the TN77 is simple and fast, taking less than one day with no need to remove the belt of your existing conveyor. When you purchase a TN77 from Bunting, you will enjoy continuous support from Bunting’s team of experts to answer all of your installation and operation related questions.

Bunting’s TN77 Metal Detector synthesizes with your existing equipment to improve operations in your facility.

The design of this metal detector easily fits onto your existing conveyor, allowing material to pass beneath it with ample clearance. The TN77 metal detector allows plenty of space for material to move while delivering high-sensitivity metal detection, and allows for continuous inspection of material. Rather than adding a new step to your process, TN77 metal detectors simply improves an existing step in your process.

When you install a TN77 metal detector, you will see results immediately. This metal detector detects ferrous and manganese metals. This is particularly desirable to customers seeking to remove contamination such as manganese digger teeth. The TN77 protects other equipment in your facility from being damaged by detecting metal early on, allowing it to be quickly removed from the process. In addition to protection against machinery damage, the TN77 metal detector results in a significantly purer end product—something both your customers and your profit margin will be glad to hear.

The TN77 metal detector is designed to be durable, powerful, and efficient. When you invest in a TN77 metal detector, you will reap immediate benefits and create an overall more efficient plant. The TN77 is able to effectively detect tramp contamination that may have been trapped or otherwise restrained from being removed by a magnetic separator. The TN77 is an excellent piece to install as a final line of defense for your crusher operation. When your equipment is protected from damage, you no longer have to sacrifice valuable production hours to downtime and repairs. When your product is of higher purity, your profits and brand reputation soar.

To learn more about Bunting’s TN77 Conveyor Belt Metal Detectors and how they can benefit your mining, aggregate, or mineral operation Contact Bunting for a Custom Quote.